Frequently asked questions
We will accept debit card payments up until 9pm on the 5th April 2025. If you would like to make a payment by cheque or an ISA transfer, you'll need to send this to us by post, which we only accept on a working day. The last recommended date to send post for the 2024/2025 tax year is Friday 28th March.
Reminder: The ISA allowance for the 2024/2025 tax year is, £20,000 (subject to contributions into other ISAs). Any unused allowance cannot be carried forward into the next tax year.
The Online ISA allows you to manage your cash ISA savings online. Once your account is open you can split your savings across different types of products (fixed rate with different term lengths or variable rate products), or put it all into a single product offered within the Online ISA. When your Online ISA is open and you have logged in, you’ll be able to make deposits, transfer in other ISAs, open new products and move money between products (providing this is allowed in the Summary Box†). You can also view your personal details, view important documentation related to your ISA and view and create statements. You can change your residential address, email address and telephone numbers by accessing your account online. If any other personal details need updating, you can request these changes by sending a secure message.
A Holding Account is automatically set up for you when you open the Online ISA. You can use the Holding Account to consolidate funds before paying into a product, or to distribute one lump sum deposit across multiple products of your choice within the Online ISA.
If you hold a fixed rate product, at the end of the fixed term we will automatically close the product and move the value, along with any interest earned, to your Holding Account. You will then be able to move the money into other products or make withdrawals to your nominated account (where the money will lose its tax advantages).
Consolidating funds
Some products within the Online ISA only accept a single deposit when funding them (such as fixed rate products). If you have ISAs with several different providers, you could transfer all the funds to the Holding Account. This would then offer you a single, larger sum that could be paid as a single deposit.
Splitting funds
If you wished to use a lump sum deposit to pay for the opening of one or multiple products, you have the option of paying this into the Holding Account. You can then split the funds in the Holding Account to fund the opening of one or more products. For example, if you had £1,100 available, you could split this according to your needs, and choose to pay in £100 into product A, £500 into product B, and £500 into product C.
Please note, the products or rates of interest on offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. If you are using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your ISA savings before opening a specific product, there is a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.
When applying for the Online ISA, you'll need to set up a nominated account. This is usually your current account. Any payments out (if you make a withdrawal or close your Online ISA) will be sent to this account. The account you nominate must be a UK personal bank or building society account in your name (sole or joint).
When opening your ISA we’ll verify your nominated account details electronically. If we can't verify the nominated account, we’ll ask you to provide further supporting information, for instance a current statement.
Please note we can only pay funds out to a nominated account that has been verified. If your account has not been verified when we receive your withdrawal request, this will delay funds being sent to you.
If you wish to change your nominated account, please log in to your Online ISA and send us a secure message with your new details. Any time we receive new details these will need to be verified before we are able to make withdrawal payments to the account.
We do not charge for any of our standard services ( as described in the Online ISA Terms and Conditions)
If we agree to provide you with a non-standard service, such as issuing you a paper copy of your annual statement, we may make a reasonable charge for it. We will tell you the amount of our charges before we provide you with any non-standard service.
If you close a Fixed Rate product during its fixed term, a breakage charge will be applied as detailed in the Terms and Conditions. The breakage charge will also be applied to a Fixed Rate product if we need to close the product during its fixed term because you've asked to close or transfer your Online ISA. If a breakage charge is applied, it will be deducted from any interest earned on the product but if not enough interest has been earned to cover the breakage charge, it will be deducted from the balance of the product. The breakage charge will be calculated assuming a 365 day year.
Please note, the breakage charge will not be applied if you request to close a Fixed Rate product in the first 14 days of it having been opened.
Charges may change in future. For more details about charges and changes to charges, please see the key information pack, which contains the terms and conditions of the Online ISA.
You’ll be able to see the current interest rates that apply to your products on the ‘ISA Overview’ page. For more information on how your interest rate works, please refer to the Key Information Pack and Summary Box† saved in your 'My Documents' area.
You can also find the current range of products that you can hold in your Online ISA (and interest rates) available by visiting
Opening the Online ISA:
Please be aware, if we’ve asked for proof of identity or any other information before we can open your account, then no interest will be earned until we’ve received the required information.
Once your ISA is open your payments will start to earn interest as detailed below:
- Debit card - will start to earn interest two working days after your payment is authorised (e.g. deposits authorised on a Saturday will start earning interest on a Tuesday).
- Cheques - will start to earn interest from the day we receive the cheque. Please note, we only accept deposits by cheque on working days.
- A transfer from a cash ISA - will start to earn interest from the earlier of either the date on the cheque or the date the electronic transfer payment is sent to us from your old provider (depending on the method of transfer), but no later than the 8th working day after we received your transfer instruction (as long as it was subsequently accepted).
- A transfer from a stocks and shares ISA - will start to earn interest from the working day we receive the transfer cheque and valid Transfer History Form from your old provider.
- Funding from another product within the Online ISA - on the same day that it is processed and/or all relevant transactions have completed, whichever is later. Transactions include ISA transfers, moving money between products and withdrawals.
Please note, working days do not include a Saturday, Sunday or English Bank Holidays.
Please note this information is available in the Summary Box†, which are available before you apply for a product. A copy of the Summary Box† can also be found for any products you hold in your Online ISA in ‘My Documents’.
Holding Account
Funds in the Holding Account will earn a variable rate of interest. Interest will be calculated daily and paid annually into the Holding Account on 20th March each year.
Easy Access products
Funds in the Easy Access product will earn a variable rate of interest. A fixed bonus may also be paid, which will be detailed in the Summary Box† if applicable. Interest is calculated daily and paid annually on 20th March each year. Interest will also be paid on closure of your product.
Fixed Rate products
During the fixed term, funds in a fixed rate product will earn a fixed rate of interest. Interest is calculated daily and will be added to the Fixed Rate products on the anniversary of the start date each year and also on the date the fixed term ends.
After the end of the fixed term the full value of the Fixed Rate product, including interest received, will be paid into the Holding Account, which earns a variable rate of interest.
If an Easy Access product you hold has a fixed bonus, it will be paid as detailed in the Summary Box†. We will notify you by secure message up to 14 days before the bonus rate ends on any Easy Access products you hold, where your account has a balance of £100 or more.
When a fixed bonus comes to the end your product will only earn the variable rate of interest.
We will notify you by secure message up to 14 days before any Fixed Rate products in your account are due to end, where your account has a balance of £100 or more.
At the end of the fixed term the product will close and your funds, including any interest earned, will be moved into your Holding Account within your Online ISA. You can then manage these funds from the Holding Account by choosing whether to reinvest into another fixed rate product, move it into an easy access product, spread it across these products or withdraw it.
For more information about how savings in the Online ISA are protected, please read the Deposit Information Sheet. This sets out details of how your money is protected with Bank of Ireland UK, who is the `deposit taker' for the Online ISA.
If you make payments directly to us, we will initially pay these into an account held with NatWest. We will then transfer this money to Bank of Ireland UK. This is also what happens if we receive a transfer cheque from another ISA provider. Please note that while the money is held with NatWest, it will count towards a separate compensation limit alongside any other accounts you may hold with NatWest.
You can find out more about how your money is protected when it's held in a bank or building society account by going to the FSCS website at
OneFamily is the ISA Manager for the Online ISA. OneFamily manage the ISA and provide the servicing on behalf of Bank of Ireland UK.
One Family is a trading name of Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited, of which Family Equity Plan Limited is a subsidiary. Family Equity Plan Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The registered address of OneFamily is 16-17 West Street, Brighton, BN1 2RL, United Kingdom.
Money paid into the Online ISA is deposited with Bank of Ireland UK.
Money paid into the Online ISA is held by OneFamily and deposited with Bank of Ireland (UK) plc (Bank of Ireland UK). Their principal place of business is 45 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7EH.
To understand how your savings are protected please refer to the FAQ 'How are savings in the Online ISA protected?'
We’ll open your Online ISA once we have everything we need to accept your application (including any required identification) and we’ve either accepted your deposit or requested your transfer (depending on the method you’re using to open your Online ISA). We’ll inform you when your Online ISA has been opened.
Once your application is accepted and your account is open, we'll send you a confirmation by secure message.
Every time we send you a secure message, we'll also send a notification email.
You can access your secure messages by logging in to your Online ISA online and going to the 'Secure Messages' area.
We need to verify your nominated account details to ensure we can manage your savings securely, prevent fraud and to comply with anti-money laundering legislation. If we are unable to electronically verify the details you provide, we’ll ask you to send us proof of your nominated account by post, e.g. a recent statement.
We'll not process any withdrawal or account closure until we receive proof of your nominated account.
Before we can open your account, we’ll need to verify your identity for fraud prevention and so we can comply with anti-money laundering legislation.
We may also ask for identification to be provided at other times. If we do not receive adequate identification, we may not be able to accept deposits. We may also withhold the proceeds of any withdrawals, transfers or account closure.
We require one form of proof of identity and one form of proof of address.
Acceptable forms of identity are as follows:
- Current valid signed passport/EU National identity card
- Firearms certificate
- Electoral ID card (Northern Ireland only)
- Current full old style UK driving licence (non-photo card type driving licence)*
- Current UK/EU photo card driving licence*
- Correspondence from the DWP (Dept. of Work and Pensions)/Benefits agency (dated within the last 6 months)*
Acceptable proof of address:
- Current electricity bill (dated within the last 3 months)
- Current gas bill (dated within the last 3 months)
- Current landline telephone bill (dated within the last 3 months)
- Current water/sewerage bill (dated within the last 3 months)
- Current full old style UK driving licence (non-photo card type driving licence)*
- Current UK/EU photo card driving licence*
- Correspondence from the DWP (Dept. of Work and Pensions)/Benefits agency (dated within the last 6 months)
- bank/building society/mortgage/credit union or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)**
- Local authority correspondence valid for the current year, e.g. Rate/Council tax (dated within the last 12 months)
- HM Revenue & Customs/Revenue Commissioners correspondence, e.g. tax coding notice (dated within the last 3 months). Note P60 and P45 are not acceptable.
*These items may be used to evidence identity or address, but not both.
**This item may be used to evidence address and nominated bank accounts.
Please contact us by secure message to let us know what other documents you have available.
We can only accept photocopies of documents where each page has been certified in the style described. For instance each page must be certified in original ink (we cannot accept photocopies of documents after they have been certified) and the certifier cannot appear as a named person within the document.
Any documents that are not correctly certified will be returned to you for re-certification.
Please do not send original documents as we’re unable to guarantee their safe return.
Please send the required information to:
Bank of Ireland UK Savings
PO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
A relative cannot certify your identification. However, the following people can certify your identification:
- Accountant
- Barrister, Solicitor
- Bank or Building Society Official
- Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public
- Justice of the Peace
- FCA registered broker/introducer
- Post Office Official (UK only)
- Attorney
The certifier must:
- Write on each photocopy, 'I certify this is a true copy'
- State their profession
- Print their name, address and phone number (staff number or authorised signatory number if appropriate)
- Sign and date the photocopy
Username If you can't remember your username please select 'I have forgotten my username' from the log in page.
Password If you can't remember your password please select 'I have forgotten my password' from the log in page.
If you have any further problems logging into your account please contact customer services on 0333 2205069* who will be happy to help.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider’s tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
UsernameYou can't change your username that was set up when the account was opened.
If you can't remember your username please select 'I have forgotten my username' from the log in page.
PasswordIf you would like to change your password, please access 'change password' from the 'ISA Overview' menu when you have logged in to your ISA.
If you can't remember your password please select 'I have forgotten my password' from the log in page.
If you have any further problems logging into your account please contact customer services on 0333 2205069* who will be happy to help.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider’s tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
Please try deleting saved passwords from ‘internet options’ (Please note this will clear all saved passwords)
If you have any further problems logging into your account please contact customer services on 0333 2205069* who will be happy to help.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider's tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
Please try deleting your browsing history and cookies from 'internet options’.
if you have any further problems logging into your account please contact customer services on 0333 2205069* who will be happy to help.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider's tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
You can pay in up to £20,000 between the different types of ISAs this tax year. (that's the period from 6th April to 5th April). For example, if you deposit £11,000 in a cash ISA with one provider, you can invest the remaining £9,000 ISA allowance into a different type of ISA with the same or another provider.
You can see your remaining subscription allowance for the current tax year (subject to other types of ISA contributions) on your 'ISA Overview’ page.
Once you’re logged in to your Online ISA you can make deposits into either a new product (when available) or into existing products held in your Online ISA (if allowed in the Summary Box†) by debit card payment or by cheque.
The minimum deposit amount can be found in the Key Information Pack or the Summary Box†, which are available to view in your 'My Documents' area.
You can see your remaining subscription allowance for the current tax year (subject to other types of ISA contributions) on your 'ISA Overview’ page.
You can only transfer funds directly into your Online ISA from another ISA you hold with Bank of Ireland UK. If funds are withdrawn from Bank of Ireland UK savings account, you can then pay in to the Online ISA by cheque or debit card. Please be sure to check whether withdrawing funds from your existing Bank of Ireland UK account would incur any charges.
If you already have an existing cash or stocks and shares ISA with another provider you can transfer your savings into your Online ISA.
Transferring funds from a previous tax year's ISA will not affect your ISA limit for this tax year.
You can choose whether to use the transfer to pay in to an existing product (if additional transfers are allowed in the Summary Box†), fund a new product or transfer the ISA into the Holding Account and then split your funds across the products of your choice.
Before making a decision to transfer your existing ISA to us you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.
Yes. You can transfer the value of your stocks and shares ISA to the Online ISA.
Please be aware that the Online ISA is a cash ISA. Once your stocks and shares ISA is transferred, these will become cash ISA funds.
Before making a decision to transfer your existing ISA to us you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.
Please note, there will be on-screen instructions provided when you request an ISA transfer, and you may need to print out relevant documents and send them to us by post.
No, we are currently not able to accept transfers from Innovative finance ISAs.
Yes, if you have existing Online ISAs these can be transferred in the same way as any other ISA. When you are given the option to select how you wish to fund a new or existing product, select ISA transfer and then choose ‘Bank of Ireland UK’ as the provider and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you're unsure whether you'll be charged a fee for transferring your existing Online ISA, please contact the ISA manager.
Yes, if you have an existing ISA provided by us (OneFamily) these can be transferred in the same way as any other ISA. When you are given the option to select how you wish to fund a new or existing product, select ISA transfer and then choose 'OneFamily' as the provider and follow the on-screen instructions.
When you complete the new product opening process or make an additional payment online you’ll be asked how you’d like to fund the product. From the drop down options select 'ISA Transfer' and press 'Next'.
The on-screen guidance will explain how to complete the transfer form. Please note, depending on which provider you are transferring funds from, you may need to print a paper form which you’ll be required to send through the post (to the address below):
Bank of Ireland UK Savings
PO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
We’ll inform you when your transfer has completed.
Before making a decision to transfer your existing ISA to us you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.
Yes, you can select to open multiple products within the Online ISA (subject to product availability). You can open a new product with a deposit, transfer from another ISA provider or by moving money from another product held in your account (providing this is an option in the Summary Box†). Before making a decision to transfer your existing ISA to us you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.
If you would like to split your ISA savings between products, or would like to consolidate funds from previous years’ ISAs before opening a product, you can choose to put your funds into the Holding Account.
You can then split the funds in the Holding Account to fund the opening of one or more products. For example, if you had £1,100 available, you could split this according to your needs, and choose to pay in £100 into product A, £500 into product B, and £500 into product C.
Please note, the products or rates of interest on offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. If you are using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your ISA savings before opening a specific product, there is a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.
Yes. This is a key benefit of the Online ISA. When you open a new product, or pay in to an existing product, you’ll be given the option to move funds from an existing product within your Online ISA. If you select this option you’ll be presented with a list of your products which are available to move funds from.
Once you've logged in to your Online ISA you can select 'Open a New Product' from the menu at the top. This will then display the products that are available to you. Please be sure to check the product meets your requirements by carefully reading the Summary Box† before selecting your choice. Press 'Next' at the bottom of the page and follow the on screen guidance from there.
Providing the product allows withdrawals (as detailed in the Summary Box†), you can make a withdrawal to your nominated account for a minimum of £10, or the value of the product if it is lower.
The Online ISA does not have flexible features. This means that once withdrawn to your nominated account, your money will lose the tax advantages of ISAs and cannot be replaced within your Online ISA without affecting your annual ISA allowance. If you have already used your full allowance in a tax year, you will not be able to make further deposits into your Online ISA in that tax year, even if you’ve made a withdrawal from a product in your account.
Easy Access products may have a maximum number of withdrawals (including money movements) that can be made each tax year. Additionally, Fixed Rate products do not allow withdrawals. Further information on withdrawal restrictions can be found in the Summary Box†.
If, having made the maximum number of withdrawals from an Easy Access product, you need further access to the money during the current tax year, or if you need to access money from a Fixed Rate product, you’ll need to close the product. If your request includes closing a Fixed Rate product which is in its fixed term, a breakage charge will be applied to that product, which will be detailed in the Terms and Conditions. For more information please see “Can I close a product in my Online ISA?” below.
If you are opening a new product, the number of withdrawals allowed is displayed in the product selection table and in the Summary Box†, so you can make sure the features of the product suit your requirements.
Yes, you can request to close a product in your Online ISA at any time. Payments can either be sent to the Holding Account of your Online ISA, where the money can be moved to other products in your account, or to your nominated account, where the money will lose its tax advantages.
The Online ISA does not have flexible features. This means that once withdrawn to your nominated account, your money will lose the tax advantages of ISAs and cannot be replaced within your Online ISA without affecting your annual ISA allowance. If you have already used your full allowance in a tax year, you will not be able to make further deposits into your Online ISA in that tax year, even if you’ve made a withdrawal from a product in your account.
If your request includes closing a Fixed Rate product which is in its fixed term, a breakage charge will be applied to that product (as detailed in the Summary Box†). Please note, the breakage charge will not be applied if you request to close the product within 14 days of it having opened. The details of any applicable Breakage Charge will also be confirmed before you complete your closure request.
You cannot close your Holding Account unless you transfer or close your entire Online ISA, although you can withdraw or move the money in it at any time.
You can request a withdrawal or to close a product by accessing your account online. You can either select the product you’d like to make the withdrawal or closure from on your ‘ISA Summary’ screen or you can select the ‘Withdrawals and closures’ area of your account.
Yes. You can transfer your Online ISA in full to another provider. Partial transfers are not permitted. To transfer your Online ISA please contact your new provider. You'll need to supply your Online ISA number, which can be found on the 'ISA Overview' area of your account. This will begin with the letter "Z". Your new provider will use this as a roll/reference number. Please note your Online ISA does not have an account number or sort code.
If you have paid in to multiple products within your Online ISA you cannot transfer out a single product. You’ll have to close your whole Online ISA and transfer out the total value. This may mean that you’ll incur breakage charges, dependent on the products you hold within your Online ISA.
Payments will normally appear in your nominated account within 4 working days of the day we send it.
If your withdrawal request includes funds from a recent deposit, we will not send your payment until the deposits have cleared and are available for withdrawal. Additionally, if your nominated account details haven’t been verified yet, or we’ve asked for identification, we’ll only be able to send your payment to you once these have been received.
Yes. You can transfer your Online ISA in full to another ISA at any time. Partial transfers are not permitted. If you are transferring to another ISA provider, you will need to contact them to arrange the transfer. If you are internally transferring your Online ISA to a new or existing ISA provided by us (OneFamily), you will need to complete the relevant application or Transfer Instruction Form. You'll need to supply your Online ISA number, which can be found on the 'ISA Overview' area of your account. This will begin with the letter "Z". Your new provider will use this as a roll/reference number. Please note your Online ISA does not have an account number or sort code.
If you decide to transfer your Online ISA while you have a Fixed Rate product in a fixed term a breakage charge will be applied to that product (as detailed in the Summary Box†).
No. Partial transfers are not allowed and you cannot transfer individual products in your account. If you decide to transfer your Online ISA this means you'd need to transfer your entire account for the total value. If you transfer your Online ISA while you have money in a Fixed Rate product which is in its fixed term, a breakage charge will be applied to that product (as detailed in the Summary Box†).
Yes, you have 14 days from the date your Online ISA opens to cancel your account. You can let us know you’d like to cancel by sending us a secure message. If you decide to cancel, your Online ISA and any products you’ve opened within it will be closed and you’ll receive a full refund of any deposits made plus tax-free interest. Any returned deposits will not be regarded as having been paid into the ISA, and so will not count towards your ISA allowance for the current tax year.
If you do not cancel within the 14-day cancellation period and request to close your Online ISA after this date, your money will no longer benefit from the tax advantages of an ISA.
You cannot ‘cancel’ individual products you've opened within your Online ISA. This means that unless you cancel your entire Online ISA within the 14-day cancellation period, any deposits you’ve made into your product(s) will count towards your annual ISA allowance.
Although you can’t cancel individual products, you can request to close any product held within your Online ISA at any time. Some products will also allow you to take partial withdrawals from them. You can request a withdrawal or to a close a product by logging into your Online ISA. Any associated withdrawal restrictions or breakage charges will apply. You can find information about these within your Summary Box†.
Additionally, if you’ve opened a Fixed Rate product that has a breakage charge for closing it during its fixed term and change your mind, the breakage charge will be waived providing you request to close the product within 14 days of it having opened. If you change your mind after this date, the breakage charge will apply, as detailed in the Summary Box†.
To close your Online ISA please select 'Close ISA' from the 'Withdrawals and Closures' menu bar.
Once withdrawn your money will no longer benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs.
If your request includes closing a Fixed Rate product which is in its fixed term, a breakage charge will be applied to that product, which will be detailed in the Summary Box†. This will also be confirmed before you complete your closure request.
If you have not yet verified your nominated account details you will need to provide proof of your nominated account before we can proceed with your Online ISA closure.
You can change your residential address, email address and telephone numbers by accessing your account online. If any other of your personal details need updating you'll need to send a secure message with your request.
Please note, for a change of name or date of birth you’ll need to provide certified evidence of the change. Please refer to the FAQ ‘How do I certify my documents?’ (In the category ‘What identification do I need to provide?’) for further information on how to certify documents. Once certified please send your documents to:
Bank of Ireland UK Savings
PO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
Please send us a secure message with your new sort code, account number and account name. Any time we receive new nominated account details these will be verified electronically.
Please be aware that if we cannot verify your nominated account electronically, we’ll ask you to provide further supporting information (for example a current statement of the account) before we can update your details and before we can process any withdrawal or account closure.
We’ll always send a confirmation message when your account details have been updated.
You can find a copy of the Key Information Pack in 'My Documents'.
You can check the current amount you've paid in and your current interest rate by viewing your 'ISA Overview' page or by creating a statement at any time. Please note, these values won't include accrued interest. You’ll also receive an annual statement to keep you up to date. Notification by email will be sent when the statement is available for you to view.
Your annual statement date is 5th April. Notification by email will be sent when the statement is available for you to view.
Remember, you can always view details of your Online ISA on your 'ISA Overview' page or create a statement by visiting your 'Create Statement' page.
Please note, the values won't include accrued interest not yet applied to a product.
You can create a statement by visiting your 'Create Statement' page at any time.
Please note, the values won't include accrued interest not yet applied to a product.
You can find any statements that you have created as well as your annual statement in 'My Documents'.
If you’re having difficulty viewing your documents it may be because you don’t have the correct version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Please select 'My Documents' and at the bottom left there is a link to get the free Adobe Reader. Follow the instructions to install the latest version. If you still cannot open your documents after this please send a secure message to customer services.
If you need to make a complaint, please contact us and we’ll do everything we can to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, but please allow up to 5 working days for a reply.
When we first write to you, we’ll send you a summary of the procedures that we’ll follow when resolving your complaint.
If you want to contact us to make a complaint you can do so by sending us a secure message from your Online ISA or by writing to the following address:
Bank of Ireland UK Savings
PO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
Alternatively, you can speak to our Customer Service Team on 0333 2205069*.
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you may be able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Making a complaint won’t affect your legal rights. You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service by writing to:
Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
0300 123 9123
email: [email protected]
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider’s tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
There is a central European 'portal' which can redirect a complaint to the appropriate industry Ombudsman (eg Financial Ombudsman Service). This is aimed at helping EU residents who purchased a product online from a provider based in another EU country. It is always best to contact the product provider first but for further information go to
To contact customer services please send us a secure message with your query. To send a secure message you'll need to log in to your Online ISA and select ‘Secure Messages’. Secure messages will be responded to within 48 hours. Please note, this timescale is based on working days (Mon – Fri), so if a message was sent on Friday night it’ll be considered as received on Monday morning. We’ll always aim to respond to your query at the earliest opportunity.
Or you can write to us at:
Bank of Ireland UK SavingsPO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
Alternatively you can contact us on 0333 2205069*.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider’s tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
Your Online ISA webpages will only hold details of the Online ISA. If you have any other Bank of Ireland UK accounts, you can access these in the same way as you normally would.
Here are some suggestions that can help you use your Online ISA securely:
- Ensure that you do not share your security details with anyone
- Security details should be something that only you know
- Do not use the same password across different websites
- Avoid writing your security details down; if you do need to write them down you should do so in a way that will not be recognised by others
- When you have finished, log out from the Online ISA
- Make sure you have a virus checker on your computer
- Keep your computer updated with the latest windows patches
- Unless prompted by you, we’ll never send you emails that contain links to log in to our website – beware of phishing emails
- Never respond to emails requesting disclosure of your security details. We’ll never email you asking you to enter or confirm your security details.
- If you believe your security details have been compromised contact us as soon as possible
Please send us a secure message with your query. Secure messages will be responded to within 48 hours. Please note, this timescale is based on working days (Mon – Fri), so if a message was sent on Friday night it‘ll be considered as received on Monday morning. We’ll always aim to respond to your query at the earliest opportunity.
Or you can write to us at:
Bank of Ireland UK SavingsPO Box 5417
BN50 8HP
Alternatively you can contact us on 0333 2205069*.
* Lines are open 9am to 5pm weekdays. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers and count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobiles. The actual cost will depend on your provider’s tariff. For more information please contact your provider.
†If you took out your ISA or product in your ISA before 01/12/2016 we will have provided a Product Factsheet. So you are aware, Product fact sheets were replaced with Summary boxes for ISAs and products opened on or after 01/12/2016).